Monday, October 14, 2013

LED Christmas Lighting — Time to Plan Now!

The ho-ho-holidays are almost here!

I know, I know, we haven’t even gotten to Halloween yet and retailers are already pushing Christmas. We hate to jump on the bandwagon, but since we are now an official installer of Seasonal Source LED Christmas Lighting, we want you to have the info you need to plan your holiday lighting and get on the schedule.

Why Seasonal Source LED?

 LED is green technology, consuming about 80% less electricity than traditional. You save money every year you use them.

 Tired of testing your strings of lights every year only to find half of them don’t work anymore? Our lights are premium grade and ruggedly constructed with a 3 year guarantee.

 Our LED lighting provides a dazzlingly bright display with brilliant jewel-like colors that never fade, chip, or scratch. You can choose from traditional warm-white to an array of festive colors.

 LED are safe and cool to the touch.

 Do more with less. Let’s compare the energy savings: On roof lighting, we typically use the C9 bulb. With LED, 100 ft of roof line will use less electricity than a single 100 watt light bulb. 100 ft of traditional incandescent Christmas lights will consume more power than a 600 watt microwave! When wrapping trees or columns with mini-lights, we can plug up to 300 23 foot long strings into one outlet! Compare with only 35 strings of traditional mini lights.

Its easy to see. You can cover more area with a huge reduction in electrical costs, or increase your display without dangerously overloading your electrical circuits.

What do we provide?

We can provide everything for your outdoor display, custom designed to fit your home, including mini lights to wrap trees and shrubs, C9 roof lights, lighted wreaths and garlands, and all the jumpers, cords, and timer needed to make it all work. After Christmas, we will come out and place the lights in stackable storage boxes with tags and a diagram so that installation the following year will be easy to duplicate.

What does it cost?

We will measure your roof, trees, shrubs, sidewalks- whatever you want to highlight and provide an estimate and design suggestions. Once you have purchased your lights and supplies from us, we have a simple labor rate to cover installation and take down.

Lining driveways, sidewalks, etc: $1.25 per ft
Single story roof lines: $2.50 per ft.
Second story roofs: $3.75 per ft
Wrapping tree trunks, shrubs, etc. $.25 per ft

Sample light prices:
C9 roof lights are $1.70 per ft including wire and clips, and 23.5 ft strings of M5 or G12 mini lights run $15.00—$18.00 per string depending on color.

Got Junk? We Can Help

Do you have something unsightly taking up room in your yard or garage?

We can haul off that rotten firewood, broken picnic table, or other trash that is too large or cumbersome to put out on the curb. Just let us know what you need disposed of.

We can get you a quick estimate and help you get that junk out of your trunk!

Prime can take care of that unsightly mountain for you!

Good Times Ahead

Fall officially began September 22nd as the sun reached the autumnal equinox and our day and night were nearly equal in length. And despite the unseasonably hot and dry September we had experienced so far, the fall spirits cooperated with a nice rain and low temperature of 56. Hopefully September was summer’s last blast. Lots of 90 degree days and virtually no rain really dried us out, but October looks to arrive with milder weather just as it should.

With this latest round of showers we will see bluebonnets and other spring wildflowers germinating. Of course, this means that henbit and a few other less desirable “wildflowers” will be popping up in our lawns and beds. Be sure you have us apply a pre-emergent weed control soon if you haven’t already!

Fire ants are extremely active this time of year, foraging for food to last through winter. This the ideal time to apply bait products. You will see new mounds pop up after every rain. Feeed your ants. Feed them!

Several flowering plants will put on a last big show for the season. Some of our most notables are the cool lavender blooms of Mexican Bush Sage and Blue Fall Aster. The bright yellow of Mexican Mint Marigold is a great companion. Salvia greggi are blooming in pinks, reds and many other shades, great forage for migrating humming birds and butterflies. Texas sage puts on a big purple bloom after rains and Knock-out roses are flushing again. All of these plants are also tolerant of dry conditions and water restrictions.

Salvia Leucantha
The next several weeks should provide some of our most pleasant weather and some great flowers. Get out and enjoy this great time of year!

Salvia Greggi